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Tuesday seems as good a day as any to start this journey. In a weird way, not setting goals right now feels... freeing. 5 years ago, I set big goals. And diligently followed them... Into the bowels of an eating disorder, I'm still climbing my way out of. I counted calories. Ran from everything. And prayed that if I counted enough. Ran far enough. I'd wake up enough. And the truth is... None of those make me enough - even though... spoiler alert. I am. My gracious. I. Am. Enough. I have about 10 bags of laundry that need to be washed. And 6 bags of trash that I need to take out. And Tuesday. Is the day that gets done. I remove obstacles to being enough and start BEING enough. I cannot tell you what this journey will look like. Because the minute I start measuring. The less me I'm able to be. So Tuesday, April 17th Sounds like a good a day as any to set out on this adventure.

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